The Traderszone Network

Published in TZ Latest News 10 July, 2014 by The TZ Newswire Staff

Gold Surges Above Resistance At $1,334 As Israel Prepares Possible Invasion Of Gaza

Today’s AM fix was USD 1,343.25, EUR 985.22 and GBP 784.61 per ounce.
Yesterday’s AM fix was USD  1,322.50, EUR 971.71 and GBP  773.08 per ounce.

Gold climbed $8 or 0.61% yesterday to $1,327.70/oz and silver rose $0.07 or 0.33% to $21.11/oz.

Silver is outperforming again today. It is up 2% to its highest since mid-March at $21.54/oz. It’s currently on track for a sixth consecutive week of gains, a feat it hasn’t pulled off since early 2011, according to Reuters.

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