The Traderszone Network

26 May, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Amid Russia Crisis, Trump Prepares "War Room", "Big White House Changes", Loss Of Twitter

Amid Russia Crisis, Trump Prepares "War Room", "Big White House Changes", Loss Of Twitter

In lieu of the Friday night “Trump bombshell” deliverable from the NYT-WaPo complex, today it was Reuters‘ and the Wall Street Journal‘s turn to lay out the suspenseful weekend reads, previewing major potential upcoming changes to the Trump administration.

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26 May, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on The War On Workers, Phase II – Truth Has Become A Liability

The War On Workers, Phase II – Truth Has Become A Liability

Authored by MN Gordon via,

It’s been a long row to hoe for most workers during the first 17 years of the new millennium.  The soil’s been hard and rocky.  The rewards for one’s toils have been bleak.

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26 May, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Trump Defies G7, Refuses To Back Climate Deal After "Controversial" Debate

Trump Defies G7, Refuses To Back Climate Deal After "Controversial" Debate

The Group of Seven world leaders, or rather Six excluding Trump, tried to tame the US president… and failed. Which means on Saturday the group will sign off on a significantly “pared-down” statement at the close of their meeting in Sicily – an indication of deep divisions on climate change, trade and various other issues between Trump and the rest of the developed world.

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26 May, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on The “Empty House” Theory

The “Empty House” Theory

One common argument against new urban housing runs as follows: “If we build new housing, it will all be bought up by rich investors who will sit on it.  So new supply doesn’t restrain housing costs.”  This argument (at least as I have phrased it) strikes me as absurd.  Here’s why: for the argument to justify restraining supply, the argument presupposes that if you build 100 new condos/houses/apartments, every single one of them will be bought by an investor, and every single investor will irrationally choose to sit on the unit rather than renting it out.

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26 May, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Market Extra: Want to invest in bitcoin? Investors need to be willing to lose it all, adviser says

Market Extra: Want to invest in bitcoin? Investors need to be willing to lose it all, adviser says

A cursory glance at extreme volatility of bitcoin suggest that it’s likely not suitable for most.
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26 May, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on The Wall Street Journal: White House weighing major changes, including vetting of Trump tweets

The Wall Street Journal: White House weighing major changes, including vetting of Trump tweets

President Donald Trump is actively discussing major changes in the White House, including a shakeup of his senior team, after spending much of his free time during his overseas trip weighing the Russia investigation and the political crisis it poses for him, according to several senior administration officials and outside advisers.
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26 May, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Silicon Valley Billionaire Unveils "Air Yacht" To Deliver Food, Supplies To Desperate People In "Remote Locations"

Silicon Valley Billionaire Unveils "Air Yacht" To Deliver Food, Supplies To Desperate People In "Remote Locations"

In a development that’s emblematic of the massive wealth inequality in Silicon Valley, the Guardian on Friday revealed new details about the “secret” airship that Google co-founder Sergey Brin is building at an old Nasa airbase in Santa Clara County.

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