The Traderszone Network

25 March, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Saturday links: lagging happiness

Saturday links: lagging happiness


25 March, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on How to Get the Best Mortgage Refinance Rates

How to Get the Best Mortgage Refinance Rates

Homeowners who refinanced a $200,000 mortgage in the first quarter of 2015 have already saved thousands of dollars, according to Freddie Mac. Unfortunately, many other homeowners have not taken advantage of the recent low interest rates — and their inaction has come at a big cost: A study published in Journal of Financial Economics revealed that homeowners missed out on $5.4 billion in savings because 20% of homeowners who would have benefited from refinancing did not pursue the option . 

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25 March, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on The Dow Jones Industrial Average Pares Losses As Trumpcare Bill Fails

The Dow Jones Industrial Average Pares Losses As Trumpcare Bill Fails

From Brad Hoppmann: There was only one story on Washington and Wall Street Friday, and it was the fate of the Trump/Ryan healthcare bill in the House of Representatives.

Well, after plenty of horse trading and sausage making by the White House and members of Congress, it appears that the game is over for this bill, at least for now.

And, that means that the hopes of dismantling Obamacare also are now shelved.

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25 March, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on BlackRock: Stocks Can Still Rise As The Fed Continually Hikes Rates

BlackRock: Stocks Can Still Rise As The Fed Continually Hikes Rates

From BlackRock: With two more Fed hikes potentially on the horizon in 2017, Rick Rieder clears up a few wrong assumptions some market watchers are making about rate normalization.

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25 March, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Will Trumps’ Fiscal Stimulus Really Lead To Inflation?

Will Trumps’ Fiscal Stimulus Really Lead To Inflation?

From Invesco: Financial markets have reacted strongly to the election of US President Donald Trump. While equities in the US and elsewhere have risen strongly (reflecting expectations of stronger growth and therefore improved corporate earnings), bond prices have fallen (reflecting higher yields, in turn a result of higher inflation expectations).

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25 March, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on 4 Changes Republicans Could Make to Social Security

4 Changes Republicans Could Make to Social Security

Social Security, which is arguably America’s most important social program for seniors, is on the precipice of being in deep trouble.

The program is currently bringing in more in revenue than it’s paying out in benefits each year. However, by 2020, according to the Social Security Board of Trustees’ 2016 report, the program will begin divvying out more money to beneficiaries than it’s bringing in each year. Based on the Trustees’ estimates, the program’s more than $2.8 trillion in spare cash will be exhausted by 2034.

Image source: Getty Images.

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25 March, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on How to Make Your 401(k) Last in Retirement

How to Make Your 401(k) Last in Retirement


You’ve probably heard how important it is to save money for retirement at least a thousand times. However, saving money is only half the story — if you don’t know how to make your money last once you’ve retired and are spending it, you could potentially run out of money in mid-retirement.

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