The Traderszone Network

20 February, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Why Donald Trump keeps this immigrant awake at night

Why Donald Trump keeps this immigrant awake at night

Hundreds of restaurants around the country are joining Sanctuary Restaurants — an organization aimed to protect workers from discrimination based on sexual orientation, immigration status, or religion. CNN’s Vanessa Yurkevich speaks to one restaurant owner about why he joined, and one of his employees, who is one of the 2.3 million immigrants supporting the $800 billion dollar a year industry.

20 February, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Monday links: linear relationships

Monday links: linear relationships



20 February, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Was The Catalyst Fund Really The Catalyst?

Was The Catalyst Fund Really The Catalyst?

Submitted by Brean Capital’s Peter Tchir via,

There was a lot of discussion last week about how the $ 3.5 billion Catalyst Hedged Futures Strategy Fund (ticker: HFXAX) was running the entire stock market.

To be frank it is disturbing to me that a fund of this size could be viewed as the key market driver for even a few days, but the chatter was so prevalent that I felt the need to explore it a bit further.

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20 February, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on German Minister Calls For ‘Plan B’: "Greece Should Pledge Gold, Real Estate For New Loans"

German Minister Calls For ‘Plan B’: "Greece Should Pledge Gold, Real Estate For New Loans"

Bavaria’s 50-year-old finance minister Markus Soeder was previously named by German weekly Der Spiegel as one of the Ten Most Dangerous European Politicians (defined as “every politician who is resorting to cheap populism in order to rack up domestic political points”).

For the Greeks, this may well be true.

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20 February, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on 5 Big Brand Stocks You Don’t Have to Babysit

5 Big Brand Stocks You Don’t Have to Babysit

Who’s got time to sit and fret over our portfolios? Sure, we all like to check in from time to time to see how the companies we’ve chosen are doing, but when push comes to shove, if a stock is so high-maintenance that it needs to be constantly looked after, it’s probably not a good one to own.

Investors should have a long-term outlook with the stocks they buy. Below are five big brand names investors can comfortably add to their portfolios without having to worry about babysitting them.

Image source: Colgate-Palmolive.

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20 February, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Bill Gates Embraces "Tax The Robots" Socialist Idiocy: Four Questions For The World’s Richest Man

Bill Gates Embraces "Tax The Robots" Socialist Idiocy: Four Questions For The World’s Richest Man

Submitted by Michael Shedlock via,

I am unsure who first came up with the idea of taxing robots, but the proposal has been embraced by academia, socialists, and in general, the radical Left.

Today, entrepreneur Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, endorsed the idea.

What does Gates want to do with the money collected? Here’s the answer: Flush it down the toilet.

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20 February, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on 3 Tips for Doing Your Taxes Quickly and Accurately

3 Tips for Doing Your Taxes Quickly and Accurately

Filing taxes can be a harrowing process, but it doesn’t need to be. Here are a few tips that will help you file your return efficiently — without risking a major mistake as you go along.

One way to ensure that the tax filing process goes smoothly is to keep impeccable records throughout the year. Much of the information you’ll enter on your return won’t come from a form you’ll get in the mail — rather, it will come from your own personal documentation.

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