The Traderszone Network

4 February, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on "Wall Street Vs. Main Street" In Trumplandia

"Wall Street Vs. Main Street" In Trumplandia

Since Donald Trump was elected President of The United States, on a platform of ‘draining the swamp’ and focusing on the needs of ‘Main Street’, it is perhaps interesting that Wall-Street-darling Goldman Sachs is the best-performing stock (in The Dow) and Main-Street-mainstay Wal-Mart is the worst-performing.

The Dow is up 1800 points since the election. Goldman Sachs accounts for 22% (or over 400) of those points… and Wal-Mart has removed 22 points from The Dow’s performance.

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4 February, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Why Netflix, Inc. Gained 14% in January of 2017

Why Netflix, Inc. Gained 14% in January of 2017

Shares of Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX) rose 13.7% in January of 2017, according to data from S&P Global Market Intelligence.

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4 February, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on NYC’s most expensive listing is a “turn-off”

NYC’s most expensive listing is a “turn-off”

From Luxury Listings NYC: A corner duplex apartment found on the seventh and eighth floors of the tony 834 Fifth Avenue just happens to be the city’s most expensive listing. But evidently the spread’s $96 million price tag is “a turn-off,” a broker told the New York Post — and that’s after a $24 million discount. [more] … [more]

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4 February, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on German Minister of Finance Schaeuble says EUR too low for Germany

German Minister of Finance Schaeuble says EUR too low for Germany

Plays the deep game does Wolfgang Schaeuble, German Finance Minister
Schaeuble speaking in a newspaper interview, 
Countries winning with a trade surpluses are a new global political target, success on this metric is attributed by the losers to currency manipulation. Schaeuble trying to dodge criticism of Germany’s huge trade surplus … ain’t my fault! 

4 February, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Brexit – UK PM May facing a revolt by up to 27 MPs in her Party (27! … yawn …)

Brexit – UK PM May facing a revolt by up to 27 MPs in her Party (27! … yawn …)

I suppose they could make up a couple of cricket teams with some left over to get the drinks
Comments from  Steve Baker, chairman of a group of pro-Brexit Conservative parliamentary reps.

4 February, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Weekend politics: Le Pen campaign, Iran’s missiles, US – Japan alliance

Weekend politics: Le Pen campaign, Iran’s missiles, US – Japan alliance

Political developments are never far away from markets concerns, but recently its reached a higher intensity.
A few items from the weekend to note, even if just as background.

4 February, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Who in the world is Trump’s new interior designer?

Who in the world is Trump’s new interior designer?

So far, Trump’s name hasn’t been plastered to the White House roof. And so far, there seems to be minimal gold being splashed about. But that may soon change. Trump recently announced the name of his White House interior decorator, and it’s left interior design buffs baffled. Tham Kannalikham will be Trump’s new decorator. But if you aren’t exactly sure who that is, you’ll be forgiven. Nobody else does, either — her website requires a … [more]

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