The Traderszone Network

3 February, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on HFRU Composite Index Gains 0.44% In January On EM Gains

HFRU Composite Index Gains 0.44% In January On EM Gains

The HFRU Hedge Fund Composite Index, which measures UCITS compliant hedge funds, gained +0.44% in January, according to an update from Hedge Fund Research. 

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3 February, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Trump’s Iran sanctions include hidden message for China, experts say

Trump’s Iran sanctions include hidden message for China, experts say

Trump’s Iran sanctions include hidden message for China, experts say

New sanctions the Treasury Department announced Friday, which the Trump administration framed as its first salvo in putting Iran “on notice,” also served as a subtle message to a world power whose influence the president has pledged to undermine, experts say.

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3 February, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Exposing The Left’s War Against Ordinary Americans

Exposing The Left’s War Against Ordinary Americans

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

The Saker is a level-headed person. I take it seriously when he spells out the threat to Trump’s presidency presented by the paradoxical alliance of the ruling oligarchs with what purports to be the “liberal/progressive/left.”

It is amazing that the “liberal/progressive/left” are aligned with war and not with peace and are aligned with the OnePercent against the working class, whom they despise as “Trump deplorables.”

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3 February, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Berkeley Antifa Attacker Unmasked As UC Employee? CNN and Young Turks Lookin’ So Dumb

Berkeley Antifa Attacker Unmasked As UC Employee? CNN and Young Turks Lookin’ So Dumb

Today, propagandists on the left attempted to change the narrative over the violent “Antifa” riots, suggesting that Trump supporters were secretly behind the group’s spate of violent terrorist acts since the election:

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3 February, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on World Leaders "Stunned" By Trump’s Bluntness

World Leaders "Stunned" By Trump’s Bluntness

As President Trump drops tape (and tweet) bombs left, right, and center; often saying exactly what he is thinking, it appears the world’s leaders (and establishmentarians) are “shocked” at his inconvenient truthiness. As Tim Bale, politics professor at Queen Mary University of London, said, reflecting on Brexit concerns,

“…our reliance on the United States, in normal times, wouldn’t worry too many people… But Donald Trump doesn’t seem to be a normal president.”

Which seemed to sum things up nicely.

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3 February, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on AIMA Publishes MiFID II Guide For Investment Managers

AIMA Publishes MiFID II Guide For Investment Managers

The Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA) and law firm Schulte Roth & Zabel have published a guide for investment managers to help them understand and implement the dizzying number of requirements contained in the EU’s MiFID2 regulations ahead of the January 2018 deadline. 

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3 February, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on "The Center Didn’t Hold"

"The Center Didn’t Hold"

Submitted by Howard Kunstler via,

The Purpose of Decadence and the Pleasures of Coercion

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