The Traderszone Network

23 January, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on 80% Of Central Banks Plan To Buy More Stocks

80% Of Central Banks Plan To Buy More Stocks

Regular readers remember how, when we first reported around the time of our launch eight years ago that central banks buy stocks, intervene and prop up markets, and generally manipulate equities in order to maintain confidence in a collapsing system, and avoid a liquidation panic and bank runs, it was branded “fake news” by the established financial “kommentariat.” What a difference eight years makes, because today none other than the WSJ writes that “by keeping interest rates low an

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23 January, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Trump Appoints Net Neutrality Critic as FCC Head

Trump Appoints Net Neutrality Critic as FCC Head

Net neutrality’s days are numbered as Trump appoints a critic of the principle as head of the FCC.

23 January, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Goldman Sachs’ Hatzius on the economic implications of Donald Trump’s agenda

Goldman Sachs’ Hatzius on the economic implications of Donald Trump’s agenda

I had some remarks from chief economist at Goldman Sachs, Jan Hatzius earlier here:
US economy in pretty decent shape, basically full employment
The comments were from Hatzius appearing on Bloomberg TV

23 January, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Former US Trade Representative: Ditching TPP ‘devastating’ for farmers

Former US Trade Representative: Ditching TPP ‘devastating’ for farmers

The U.S. withdrawal from the TPP will devastate American agriculture, a former U.S. Trade Representative said.

23 January, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Here Are The World’s 10 Least Affordable Cities Of 2017

Here Are The World’s 10 Least Affordable Cities Of 2017

In recent months, we’ve spent a lot of time writing about the various housing bubbles all over the world with an emphasis on Vancouver, Sydney and Melbourne (see here, here and here).  Now, courtesy of the “read more

23 January, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on President Trump signs executive order to freeze federal hiring

President Trump signs executive order to freeze federal hiring

President Trump signs executive order to freeze federal hiring

On Monday, President Donald Trump signed an executive order that put a freeze on federal hiring, except for national security employees, specifically those working with the “military, public safety, and public health.”

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23 January, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on ‘Godfather’ of chart analysis says Trump rally has another 5% pop left

‘Godfather’ of chart analysis says Trump rally has another 5% pop left

The headline is from a Market Watch article
Link to the full piece is here
I gotta be honest, I was most interested in who the ‘Godfather’ of technical analysis is.