The Traderszone Network

14 January, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Man finds unclaimed lottery ticket worth $1M days before it expires

Man finds unclaimed lottery ticket worth $1M days before it expires

Man finds unclaimed lottery ticket worth $1M days before it expires

While cleaning his office, an Oregon man found a winning lottery ticket in his possession worth $1 million. And it’s a good thing, too, because the ticket’s expiration date was just days later.

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14 January, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on We Are Getting Worried About Paul Krugman

We Are Getting Worried About Paul Krugman

When a delicate snowflake is suddenly faced with a perceived reality so devastating as to be an existential crisis, the mind’s reaction to dealing with this cognitive dissonance can be disabling for some. Certainly for The New York Times’ flip-flopping, hate-mongering, fact-twisting, Keynesian poster-boy Paul Krugman it appears coping with “no” is not going well and his tirade last night in Twitter has us gravely concerned for his mental stability, which is ironic given how he began yesterday…

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14 January, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on President Barack Obama in NBC special talks legacy, how he ‘worked really hard’ for America

President Barack Obama in NBC special talks legacy, how he ‘worked really hard’ for America

President Barack Obama in NBC special talks legacy, how he ‘worked really hard’ for America

A tide of hope and change swept a young junior senator from Illinois into the White House eight years ago. But the bright idealism that Barack Obama represented dimmed into a stark reality: the most powerful job in the world required more than unwavering optimism.

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14 January, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on American Apparel clothes are all 40 percent off, retailer will soon shutter stores nationwide

American Apparel clothes are all 40 percent off, retailer will soon shutter stores nationwide

American Apparel clothes are all 40 percent off, retailer will soon shutter stores nationwide

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14 January, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on NewsWatch: Stock market’s most unloved shares send worrying signal

NewsWatch: Stock market’s most unloved shares send worrying signal

If you are the pessimistic type and need an excuse to sell stocks, it may be lurking in short interest numbers, according to Bespoke Investing Group
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14 January, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on CNBC got a chance to take BMW’s new self-driving car out for a spin. Here’s what it was like

CNBC got a chance to take BMW’s new self-driving car out for a spin. Here’s what it was like

This CES, BMW showcased its prototype series 5 with self-driving capabilities.

14 January, 2017 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Tough to see how protectionism could help USD; at least in the short-term

Tough to see how protectionism could help USD; at least in the short-term

Risk aversion would outweigh negatives
Protectionism would hurt the United States in the long-term, but it wouldn’t hurt the US dollar in the short term. Just the opposite.