The Traderszone Network

9 December, 2016 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on With 65% of ATMs Nonoperational, Goldman Warns India Is "Returning To Barter System"

With 65% of ATMs Nonoperational, Goldman Warns India Is "Returning To Barter System"

India continues to stagger from bad to worse followinhg Modi’s demonetization. With just 35% of ATMs nationwide operational, Goldman warns the shortage of cash continues to incentivize the use of alternate payments, including extension of informal credit and a return to barter systems. Addtionally, the slowdown in activity is dramatically reflected in lower tax collections and discounts offered by luxury car companies.

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9 December, 2016 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Drone strike kills militant linked to Charlie Hebdo attack: U.S.

Drone strike kills militant linked to Charlie Hebdo attack: U.S.

Drone strike kills militant linked to Charlie Hebdo attack: U.S.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A U.S. drone strike in Syria has killed an Islamic State militant linked to the Jan. 7 2015 attack on satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo in Paris, defense officials said on Friday.

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9 December, 2016 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on The Mainstream Media Is Asking For A Government Bailout Via Censorship

The Mainstream Media Is Asking For A Government Bailout Via Censorship

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

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9 December, 2016 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Tucker Carlson Takes on Washpo Reporter Who Claimed Trump Won Because of ‘Angry White Men’

Tucker Carlson Takes on Washpo Reporter Who Claimed Trump Won Because of ‘Angry White Men’

The warm blanket that democrats wrap themselves in at night is a dream that angry white men will die off in large enough numbers so that a true renaissance of psychotic illiberals — like Jennifer Rubin — can rise to power and lead America into the next phase towards its ultimate demise. It’s a very potent and divisive thing for journalists to say, pretending to know the spirit and soul of men based upon the color of their skin. The lie, or fake news, of massive hordes of white men descending from their trailer park thrones on election night to vote for Trump, en masse, is a myth.

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9 December, 2016 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on The Future Of Truth

The Future Of Truth

The Future Of TruthExecutive Summary

  • Uniquely, the next president will not rely on the mainstream media to get his messages out
  • Future candidates no longer need the mainstream platform to raise campaign funds
  • The current “fake news” witchhunt is threadbare and already being debunked
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9 December, 2016 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Breaking Free From The Captured Media

Breaking Free From The Captured Media

Breaking Free From The Captured Media

Why is the mainstream media freaking out right now? 

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9 December, 2016 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Elliott Wave Update 9 December 2016

Elliott Wave Update 9 December 2016

We have been saying the ending diagonal count cannot go higher than 23780 because that would make wave 3 the shortest which is a violation of Elliott Wave counting rules. Today’s high was 23,679. So we don’t have much more room for the below count.

We were also looking for a hit on the upper channel line.

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