The Traderszone Network

6 December, 2016 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Trading ideas – European session 7 Dec

Trading ideas – European session 7 Dec

Your daily thread to exchange trading ideas and discussion 7 Dec
Lots going on still so what have you got on your books or looking to put on or take off?
Share all with your ForexLive community here.

6 December, 2016 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Iowa governor Branstad is Trump’s pick as China ambassador: Report

Iowa governor Branstad is Trump’s pick as China ambassador: Report

The governor of Iowa, Terry Branstad, has accepted President-elect Donald Trump’s offer to be U.S. ambassador to China, Bloomberg reported on Wednesday.

6 December, 2016 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on France trade balance Oct EUR -5.202bln vs -4.35bln exp

France trade balance Oct EUR -5.202bln vs -4.35bln exp

France October trade balance reading 7 Dec
– – EUR 4.791bln prev from -4.769bln
– current account balance EUR -3.5bln vs -3.7bln prev from -3.4bln
More disappointing data from the EZ

6 December, 2016 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on UK MPs to vote on Article 50 timetable today

UK MPs to vote on Article 50 timetable today

In a turnaround UK PM May has agreed to a vote on triggering Article 50 7 Dec
The news came out last night so not new but I’m just highlighting for good order and its potential impact on GBP pairs.

6 December, 2016 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Virginia Schools Ban ‘To Kill A Mockingbird,’ ‘Huck Finn’ Over Racial Slurs

Virginia Schools Ban ‘To Kill A Mockingbird,’ ‘Huck Finn’ Over Racial Slurs

A Virginia school has temporarily banned “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” by Mark Twain and “To Kill A Mockingbird” by Harper Lee,after a parent complained that her high school-age son was negatively impacted by racial slurs contained in the books.

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6 December, 2016 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Germany industrial production Oct mm SA +0.3% vs +0.8% exp

Germany industrial production Oct mm SA +0.3% vs +0.8% exp

Germany October industrial production  7 Dec
– -1.6% prev revised up from -1.8%
– yy WDA +1.2% vs +1.6% exp vs +1.3% prev revised up from +1.2%
Disappointing data despite the upward revisions

6 December, 2016 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Trump’s Shot Across China’s Bow

Trump’s Shot Across China’s Bow

Submitted by Daniel Cloud

“Donald Trump is either too incompetent to understand that his foolish phone call threatens our national security, or he’s doing it deliberately because he reportedly wants to build hotels in Taiwan to pad his own pockets.”

       – (Democratic National Committee Spokesperson)

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