The Traderszone Network

1 December, 2016 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Trevor Noah grills conservative host Tomi Lahren in fiery interview

Trevor Noah grills conservative host Tomi Lahren in fiery interview

Trevor Noah grills conservative host Tomi Lahren in fiery interview

Conservative firebrand Tomi Lahren appeared for an interview on Trevor Noah’s “The Daily Show,” and it immediately turned confrontational as Noah asked Lahren to explain her positions.

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1 December, 2016 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on 70% Of Immigrants Admitted Under Obama’s "Minor Refugee" Program Are Actually Adults

70% Of Immigrants Admitted Under Obama’s "Minor Refugee" Program Are Actually Adults

Two years ago the Obama administration sought out to tackle a “crisis” that involved minors seeking out “human smugglers” to help with transportation across the U.S. – Mexico border.  So, with a swipe of the pen, Obama signed an executive order allowing minors of certain Central American countries to flee to the U.S. under a “refugee/parole program.” 

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1 December, 2016 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Trump Team Confirms Dakota Access Support Has "Nothing To Do With Personal Investments" In Pipeline Builder

Trump Team Confirms Dakota Access Support Has "Nothing To Do With Personal Investments" In Pipeline Builder

‘Winter is coming’ in North Dakota but as over 2000 veterans arrive to provide a human shield for the ‘water protestors’, president-elect Donald Trump said for the first time that he supports completion of the pipeline project near a North Dakota Indian reservation. Reassuringly his team confirmed that his support “has nothing to do with his personal investments” in Energy Transfer Partners – the company building the pipeline.

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1 December, 2016 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Bernanke: Fed is very close to its goals, thinking of hikes is a good sign

Bernanke: Fed is very close to its goals, thinking of hikes is a good sign

Ben Bernanke,, ex-Fed chair, Headlines via Bloomberg:
– Fed is very close to its goals
– Contemplating interest rate increases a good sign
The Bernanke with the Fisch in the olden days

1 December, 2016 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Trump picks tough talking Gen. James ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis as Defense Secretary

Trump picks tough talking Gen. James ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis as Defense Secretary

President-elect Donald Trump has chosen retired Marine General James Mattis to head the Department of Defense.

1 December, 2016 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Intel Corporation Expects to Profit From Memory Business

Intel Corporation Expects to Profit From Memory Business

Intel (NASDAQ: INTC) is largely known for its world-class microprocessors. These chips primarily power the bulk of the world’s personal computers and data centers, and those processors are increasingly found in new devices, such as cars.


3D XPoint chips. Image source: Intel. 

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1 December, 2016 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Why Trump Will Be Unable To Save The American Coal Industry

Why Trump Will Be Unable To Save The American Coal Industry

Submitted by Michael McDonald via,

It is no secret that the coal industry has faced hard times for the last few years. Environmental concerns led President Obama to institute more stringent regulatory requirements, while cheap natural gas created intense competition. Against that backdrop, many coal industry participants and investors hoped that President Trump would be able to reverse those fortunes.

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