The Traderszone Network

28 November, 2016 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Trump Ups the Ante Over Alleged Voter Fraud: Attacks CNN and Introduces New Hashtag #CorruptHillary

Trump Ups the Ante Over Alleged Voter Fraud: Attacks CNN and Introduces New Hashtag #CorruptHillary

From the layman, those still inside of the matrix — bluepilled — fat and stupid off government sponsored roasted beef, the recent comments by Trump might appear to be coarse, almost petty. But if you take these comments under the context that Trump is in fact a 4 dimensional chess player and is laying a trap for bird brained Hillary supporters — which will soon be executed — laying waste to a cadre of people too stupid to see it coming, they are in fact brilliant.

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28 November, 2016 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Worried You Are Putin’s Pawn? Mainstream Media’s Checklist For Avoiding Fake News

Worried You Are Putin’s Pawn? Mainstream Media’s Checklist For Avoiding Fake News

Submitted by Justin Raimondo via,

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28 November, 2016 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Forex technical analysis: AUDUSD dips below trend line support

Forex technical analysis: AUDUSD dips below trend line support

A little more bearish…
The AUDUSD has moved below trend line support at the 0.7471 level, and that has helped to turn the technical picture a bit more bearish.  The move has also moved below the high from Friday/last weeks trading.  

28 November, 2016 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Former CNN Anchor Lays Out Rules For Covering Trump – "Be Relentless"

Former CNN Anchor Lays Out Rules For Covering Trump – "Be Relentless"

Former CNN White House correspondent, Frank Sesno, has taken it upon himself to define the guidelines by which the news media should cover Donald Trump.  The rules were published by The Hill, where Sesno is a contributor, and urge reporters to be “relentless” yet “fair” and describes Trump is the “adversary.”

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28 November, 2016 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Japan 2 year note average yield -0.156%

Japan 2 year note average yield -0.156%

2 year bond auction lowest bid higher than the forecast
Cover came in at 4.27.
The High yield -0.154%
Avg. Yield -0.156%
Amount sold 2,080.90 billion yen
Bids 8,895.40 billion yen

28 November, 2016 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on The FT Asks "Is This The Elites’ "Marie Antoinette" Moment?"

The FT Asks "Is This The Elites’ "Marie Antoinette" Moment?"

Authored by Wolfgang Munchau, originally posted at,

Some revolutions could have been avoided if the old guard had only refrained from provocation. There is no proof of a “let them eat cake” incident. But this is the kind of thing Marie Antoinette could have said. It rings true. The Bourbons were hard to beat as the quintessential out-of-touch establishment.

They have competition now.

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28 November, 2016 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Donald Trump picks Obamacare opponent Tom Price to run US health care

Donald Trump picks Obamacare opponent Tom Price to run US health care

Donald Trump picks Obamacare opponent Tom Price to run US health care

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