16 September, 2016 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Jessica Alba Laughs Last After $1 Billion Offer For Her "Honest" Company
Jessica Alba Laughs Last After $1 Billion Offer For Her "Honest" Company
While we would never wish ill will upon anyone, particularly someone with Jessica Alba’s particular “talent”, earlier this year we must admit that we derived some comfort from a WSJ article alleging that Alba’s “Honest Company” hadn’t really been that honest in disclosing which chemicals were used to make their “non-toxic” diapers and detergents. It’s not that we took any delight in Alba’s potential failure, but we were at least relieved that future investors might be spared additional investing “opportunities” in America’s latest mania-driven bubble. Back in March we read more
16 September, 2016 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Pregnancy is still costing women their jobs
Pregnancy is still costing women their jobs
As women’s participation in the U.S. labor force has grown exponentially, so has the rate of women working while pregnant — and charges of pregnancy discrimination in the workplace. These women are fighting back to make sure no woman is forced to choose between a paycheck and a healthy pregnancy.
16 September, 2016 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Nordstrom Is Venturing North
Nordstrom Is Venturing North
Nordstrom is soon to have four Canadian stores, and two more are planned. According to The New York Times, Holt Renfrew has invested $300 million in redesigning its nine outlets, and La Maison Simons is opening new locations after 175 years of operating only in Quebec.
16 September, 2016 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on How About Presenting The Facts & Letting Voters Decide Who’s "Fit To Serve"?
How About Presenting The Facts & Letting Voters Decide Who’s "Fit To Serve"?
Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,
This simple two-step process would greatly diminish the Ministry of Propaganda’s influence.
Here’s a radical idea: how about presenting the facts and letting voters decide who is “fit to serve”? Consider the context of this presidential election and the judgment call as to who is “fit to serve”:
16 September, 2016 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Elliott Wave Update ~ 16 September 2016
Elliott Wave Update ~ 16 September 2016
16 September, 2016 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on The 3 Best Long-Term Dividend Stocks to Buy Now
The 3 Best Long-Term Dividend Stocks to Buy Now
Few dispute that dividend growth investing is back en vogue, but not everyone seems to know exactly why dividend investing is one of the most well-documented ways to beat the market when deftly executed.
16 September, 2016 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on The MIH pushback is causing major anxiety for developers
The MIH pushback is causing major anxiety for developers
New York City’s 50-year-old zoning resolution is thousands of pages long, but the biggest headache for developers today doesn’t involve wading through the regulations. Rising tension over how to interpret — and implement — Mayor Bill de Blasio’s signature housing act, known as Mandatory Inclusionary Housing, is pitting interests from City Hall, the city council and its constituents against one another. That unrest is causing anxiety for developers and stalling projects.