The Traderszone Network

29 June, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on How Adblock Extensions Are Draining Google Inc’s Revenue

How Adblock Extensions Are Draining Google Inc’s Revenue

One of the biggest threats to Google’s core business is available in the Chrome Web Store.

29 June, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Slide Show: 7 photos that sum up what it looks like in Greece today

Slide Show: 7 photos that sum up what it looks like in Greece today

Banks are closed, gas stations are running out of fuel, and the tourism industry is already feeling the pain of this weekend’s capital controls.
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29 June, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on The American/European divide on Greece

The American/European divide on Greece

Is it just my imagination, or is there considerably more support for Greece in the US than in Europe?  As far as I can tell there is almost universal outrage in Europe over the recent actions of the Syriza government, except perhaps on the extreme left.  In contrast, I see significant support for Greece among US pundits.  Why? (Keep in mind that in most respects, opinion in Europe is well to the left of mainstream opinion in the US.)  Here are some possibilities:

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29 June, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on When a company is bought, often so is your data

When a company is bought, often so is your data

Privacy policies are often ignored, but The New York Times says companies still sell personal data when they need to. The NYT reports.

29 June, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Greece May Not Even Have The Funds To Conduct A Referendum

Greece May Not Even Have The Funds To Conduct A Referendum

With Europe making it very clear that unless Greece folds in the next 48 hours, there will be no deal on which the Greeks will be conducting their “Greferendum” as Greece will be programless after June 30, there has been ample confusion about just what the wording of the ballot will be to which the Greek population will say Nai or Oxi. As the following latest snapshot confirms, even the Greek side is rather confused and is now essentially telling people to vote on a deal that was proposed once (on June 25) and may or may no longer be relevant.

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29 June, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on The Tell: Greece is a classic emerging-market problem

The Tell: Greece is a classic emerging-market problem

Greece is stuck with a “unique” problem, where it’s caught in an emerging-markets style debt spiral, but without the same tools available to solve the crisis, a top emerging-markets expects says on Monday.
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29 June, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Avoid these 3 Social Security mistakes

Avoid these 3 Social Security mistakes

Avoid these three mistakes to maximize your benefits.