The Traderszone Network

20 June, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on The Russian Pipeline Waltz

The Russian Pipeline Waltz

Submitted by Simone Tagliapietra and Georg Zachmann via,

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20 June, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Finding Strengthening Strength

Finding Strengthening Strength

Hello Fellow ChartWatchers!

You know, sometimes we overthink things.  Actually, in the realm of Technical Analysis, overthinking things is an epidemic!  People are constantly asking us for more indicators, more tools, more features more data – more, more, more!  “If I just have this one additional thing, then I will have everything I need to make money in the market.”  Hog wash.

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20 June, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Monetary offset and the time inconsistency problem

Monetary offset and the time inconsistency problem

I recently ran across a very revealing article from April 24, 2012:

NEW YORK, April 24 (Reuters) – Federal Reserve policymakers are sounding the alarm over a “fiscal cliff” at the end of this year, when scheduled U.S. tax hikes and spending cuts could pose a big threat to the fragile economic recovery.

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20 June, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on China Must Be Getting Really Nervous To Do This

China Must Be Getting Really Nervous To Do This

One of the most stunning data points of the ponzi bubble called Chinese Stock Markets has been the greater-than-exponential rise in the opening of new retail stock trading accounts in the last few months. If ever there was a better indicator of speculative excess or a government policy out of control, it was the pace of new account openings. So… when we discover that after 8 years of weekly data provision, China Securities Depository & Clearing (CDSC) Corp has decided to discontinue the time series – it is clear China is getting very worried.

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20 June, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on 3 Things Billionaires Regularly Do With Their Cash

3 Things Billionaires Regularly Do With Their Cash

While you can’t do everything a billionaire does, you can apply a lot of their habits to your own investment strategy.

20 June, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on These 3 Charts Show Why More States Will Soon Legalize Marijuana

These 3 Charts Show Why More States Will Soon Legalize Marijuana

Marijuana sales mean millions of dollars in tax revenue.

20 June, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Will This Low-Cost Carrier Disrupt the Wireless Business?

Will This Low-Cost Carrier Disrupt the Wireless Business?

You can get free service, but not many people are taking the offer.