The Traderszone Network

14 June, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Greece on ‘brink of disaster,’ calls emergency meeting

Greece on ‘brink of disaster,’ calls emergency meeting

Greece’s Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is to hold an emergency government meeting at midday London time, according to Greek media reports.

14 June, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Greece and creditors fail in ‘last attempt’ to reach deal

Greece and creditors fail in ‘last attempt’ to reach deal

BRUSSELS/ATHENS (Reuters) – Talks on ending a deadlock between Greece and its international creditors broke up in failure on Sunday, with European leaders venting their frustration as Athens stumbled closer toward a debt default that threatens its future in the euro. European Union officials blamed the collapse on Athens, saying it had failed to offer anything new to secure the funding it needs to repay 1.6 billion euros ($1.8 billion) to the International Monetary Fund by the end of this month. Athens insists it will never give in to demands for more pension and wage cuts.

14 June, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Alwaleed says Twitter interim CEO Dorsey should not be permanent head: FT

Alwaleed says Twitter interim CEO Dorsey should not be permanent head: FT

Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, one of Twitter’s (TWTR.N) earlier investors, believes the social messenger’s interim chief executive should not get the job permanently because of his other job commitments, he was quoted by the FT as saying. Jack Dorsey, a co-founder of Twitter, was named interim head on Thursday after chief executive Dick Costolo abruptly announced he was stepping down effective July 1.

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14 June, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Tech costs beat regulation, cyber as worries for financial services execs

Tech costs beat regulation, cyber as worries for financial services execs

IT costs came second only to macroeconomic concerns such as the impact of quantitative easing, according to the survey by global risk adviser Willis of senior executives at 150 banks, insurers, reinsurers, asset managers, hedge funds and financial technology companies worldwide. “There is a rise of new entrants that are using new technology,” said Mary O’Connor, global head of Willis’ financial institutions group. Banks and insurers have been seen as slow in responding to new technology, leaving the door open for newcomers to steal market share.

14 June, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on With CEO shakeup, Twitter under pressure to please advertisers

With CEO shakeup, Twitter under pressure to please advertisers

Twitter Inc’s (TWTR.N) next chief executive officer faces a crucial challenge as the company seeks to appease Wall Street after this week’s management shakeup – helping disaffected advertisers connect with users. Twitter’s outgoing chief executive, Dick Costolo, resigned abruptly Thursday amid pressure from investors to increase the user base and improve what’s known as direct response advertising, the most lucrative type on the microblogging site.

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14 June, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Is this the end of ‘rip-off’ stockbroker fees?

Is this the end of ‘rip-off’ stockbroker fees?

Some are eyeing the retail brokerage space for disruption, with industry experts contemplating an end to the “unfair” fees charged.

14 June, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on The Wall Street Journal: Breakdown of EU-Greece talks sets up for a showdown

The Wall Street Journal: Breakdown of EU-Greece talks sets up for a showdown

The swiftness with which European officials dismissed the Greek government’s latest proposals on Sunday, suggests Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is placing all of his bets on appealing for better terms to German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the 17 other eurozone leaders at a Brussels summit on June 25
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