The Traderszone Network

31 March, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on World Inflation Falls To A New 5-Year Low

World Inflation Falls To A New 5-Year Low

From Gavekal Capital Blog

World Inflation Falls To A New 5-Year Low

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31 March, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Dollar edges down vs yen after BOJ tankan

Dollar edges down vs yen after BOJ tankan

The dollar edged down against the yen, after the BOJ’s tankan survey showed a weaker currency failed to improve corporate sentiment.

31 March, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Imperial Collapse And A License To Kill

Imperial Collapse And A License To Kill

Submitted by Dmitry Orlov via Club Orlov blog,

The story is the same every time: some nation, due to a confluence of lucky circumstances, becomes powerful—much more powerful than the rest—and, for a time, is dominant. But the lucky circumstances, which often amount to no more than a few advantageous quirks of geology, be it Welsh coal or West Texas oil, in due course come to an end. In the meantime, the erstwhile superpower becomes corrupted by its own power.

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31 March, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Your Personal Data Is Safe With RadioShack, But May Be at Risk Everywhere Else

Your Personal Data Is Safe With RadioShack, But May Be at Risk Everywhere Else

The bankrupt electronics retailer says it won’t sell its customer information, but other retailers and websites have no such bar on profiting from your information.

31 March, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on A Nervous Undecided Market

A Nervous Undecided Market

Day traders are having their way this market and right now I don’t blame them. Do you really want to be really long or short into a three day weekend when the unemployment # prints on a day when the market is closed?  Trapped much?

So this why we see the S&P rip 20 handles and next day drop about 20 handles. Flippers are having a ball and they can push stuff around.  Enjoy the chop and flop.

I don’t know if the market will make any kind of substantive stand or statement until next week, so the next few days will probably exhibit more of the same.

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31 March, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Abewrongics: Nikkei/USDJPY Tankin’ After Terrible Tankan

Abewrongics: Nikkei/USDJPY Tankin’ After Terrible Tankan

Bad news isn’t even good news anymore in Japan. A sushi-boat-load of data this evening show once again that Abenomics is failing dismally. In no particular order… Large Manufacturing Index MISS (lowest in 9 months), Large Manufacturing Outlook BIG MISS, Large Services Outlook MISS, Small Manufacturing Index MISS, Small Manufacturing Outlook BIG MISS, and drum roll please… Tankan Large Industry Capex Outlook crashes to -1.2% (from +8.7%) – the lowest in 2 years (since Abewrongics was unleashed).

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31 March, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on The Apple Watch Was Made for China

The Apple Watch Was Made for China

American consumers are mixed about the upcoming Apple Watch, but the biggest market may lie with China.