The Traderszone Network

28 March, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Iran, world powers edge closer to nuclear deal

Iran, world powers edge closer to nuclear deal

Diplomats tell The Financial Times a deal on Iran’s nuclear capabilities may be nearer than ever.

28 March, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Both SEC And FINRA Admit That The Market Is Rigged (And They Are Powerless To Fix It)

Both SEC And FINRA Admit That The Market Is Rigged (And They Are Powerless To Fix It)

Curious why investors are bailing out of the market, or rather “market” – which trades a few basis points away from its all time highs on nothing but central-bank liquidity and multiple expansion fumes – at a pace unseen since 2009? Well, the fact that not only an SEC commissioner, but the Chairman of Finre himself admit the market is rigged may have something to do with it…

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28 March, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Why "Frozen 2" Could Easily Reach $1.5 Billion at the Box Office

Why "Frozen 2" Could Easily Reach $1.5 Billion at the Box Office

If these things happen, “Frozen 2” will be one of the most successful movies of all time.

28 March, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Model X the downfall of Tesla’s stock?: Pro

Model X the downfall of Tesla’s stock?: Pro

Could Tesla’s latest car be a speed bump for the stock?

28 March, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on The American Dream Part 2 – We Now Live In A "Pimpocracy"

The American Dream Part 2 – We Now Live In A "Pimpocracy"

Submitted by Bill Bonner via Acting-Man blog,

Shabby Immensity

Today, we continue mouth wide open (Part 1 here) … staggered by the shabby immensity of it … a tear forming in the corner of our eye.

Yes, we are looking at how the US economy, money and government have changed since President Nixon ended the gold-backed monetary system in 1971. It is not pretty.

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28 March, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Scientists crack mystery of hipster beard boom

Scientists crack mystery of hipster beard boom

A group of scientists believe they’ve cracked the reason behind a big mystery: Why are beards so popular?

28 March, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on NewsWatch: Maybe you should sue your 401(k) sponsor

NewsWatch: Maybe you should sue your 401(k) sponsor

Workers are increasingly suing their 401(k) plan sponsors and 401(k) advisers for a variety of transgressions, from funds with excessive fees to falling company stock prices to fiduciaries who fail to monitor investment performance and options in a 401(k) menu.
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