The Traderszone Network

Published in TZ Latest News 28 February, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff

As Greece Scrambles To End Its Bank Run, JPM Throws A Wrench: Says Deposit Outflows Continued After "Deal"

Now that Greece and the Eurogroup are back on the same page and “cooperating” to use a game theory term, and any attempts of Eurozone “defection”, pardon the pun, by the Syrizia government have been postponed until the 4 month bailout extension runs out in June when the entire charade is set to repeat, it is critical for Greece to undo the mess that the Troika did when heading into the mid-February negotiations, the ECB did everything in its power to foment a massive bank run by spooking both banks and citizens that their funds may be Corzined, or otherwise capital controlled, thereby crush

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