The Traderszone Network

23 January, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on McDonald’s closes out a bad year with only hopes of better 2015

McDonald’s closes out a bad year with only hopes of better 2015

McDonald’s had another depressed quarter to close out 2014, but in some ways it could have been worse.

23 January, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Expedia buys booking site Travelocity for $280M in cash

Expedia buys booking site Travelocity for $280M in cash

NEW YORK (AP) — Expedia has acquired travel booking site Travelocity from the Sabre Corp. for $280 million in cash.

23 January, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Russia faces $40 billion battle to stave off banking crisis

Russia faces $40 billion battle to stave off banking crisis

Russia may have to spend more than $40 billion this year to avert a banking crisis, as the growing likelihood of a sharp recession threatens to pile extra costs on a sector suffering from Western sanctions over Ukraine and a plunge in the rouble. Russian banks are seeing a deterioration in their loan quality, a rise in their risk management costs and increase in their cost of funding, and banking executives and analysts predict things are going to get worse.

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23 January, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Capitol Report: Breaking down who earns the minimum wage

Capitol Report: Breaking down who earns the minimum wage

What is the federal minimum wage? How many earn the minimum or less? Who are they? Will it really help a lot of people?

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23 January, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Europe Markets: European stocks riding high on QE-stimulus plan

Europe Markets: European stocks riding high on QE-stimulus plan

European stocks surge, with investors piling into equities after the European Central Bank opened the gates to a flood of liquidity with an asset-purchase program.

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23 January, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Did Treasury Secretary Lew Just Call Draghi A Currency Manipulator?

Did Treasury Secretary Lew Just Call Draghi A Currency Manipulator?

Having already put his foot in his mouth about the US oil production industry, it appears Treasury Secretary Lew has done it again:

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23 January, 2015 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on DeflateGate: Just what the country needed now

DeflateGate: Just what the country needed now

Deflategate is a distraction needed in a time filled with wars, racial tension and terrorism, Politico’s Ben White says.