29 November, 2014 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on SCHeMaTiC OF THe MoDeRNiZeD PHiLLiPS MaCHiNe…
29 November, 2014 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Recession era’s deferred bonuses paying off big for Wall Streeters
Recession era’s deferred bonuses paying off big for Wall Streeters
From the ashes of the financial crisis emerged a big change in how Wall Streeters got paid. Out went the legendarily massive year-end cash bonuses. In came IOUs.
“People were screaming bloody…
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29 November, 2014 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Do We Own Our Stuff, Or Does Our Stuff Own Us?
Do We Own Our Stuff, Or Does Our Stuff Own Us?
Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,
Being freed from being owned is a form of liberation with many manifestations.
The frenzied acquisition of more stuff is supposed to be an unalloyed good: good for “growth,” good for the consumer who presumably benefits from more stuff and good for governments collecting taxes on the purchase of all the stuff.
29 November, 2014 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Financial Terrorists On The Road – Krugman And Rogoff Peddling Toxic Advice
Financial Terrorists On The Road – Krugman And Rogoff Peddling Toxic Advice
Submitted by David Stockman va Contra Corner blog,
29 November, 2014 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson Resigns, Hopes His "Resignation Will Allow The Community To Heal"
Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson Resigns, Hopes His "Resignation Will Allow The Community To Heal"
Days after Ferguson was torched by angry rioters following a grand jury verdict not to indict police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown, the policeman’s lawyer announced moments ago that he has resigned from the Ferguson, Mo., Police Department.
29 November, 2014 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on China (and Japan) Paying off
China (and Japan) Paying off
The Relative Rotation Graph™ below shows the relative position and movement of international equity markets against the FTSE All world index.
At one glance we can immediately see which markets deserve our attention. THAT is the big advantage of RRG™ Charts.
29 November, 2014 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Visualizing Peak Popopulation
Visualizing Peak Popopulation
Even with having existed for millions of years, the process for humans to reach 1 billion in population was long and arduous. It is only about 12,000 years ago that humans started engaging in sedentary agriculture. This allowed humans to settle and consistently produce food, rather than hunt and gather throughout.