22 November, 2014 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Pity the Sub-Genius
Pity the Sub-Genius
From the Slope of Hope: They say be careful what you wish for. And, as is often the case, “they” are right.
As a kid, I wished the world favored the smart. I was a smart kid, and it seemed like the world – at least my world – was dominated by bullies and airheads. Might made right, just like in the times of old. My high IQ and love of learning were no match for popular dolts, so a portion of my childhood was wasted just trying to disappear into the background.
22 November, 2014 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Forget Orwell And Rand, We’ve Gone To Full On Plato
Forget Orwell And Rand, We’ve Gone To Full On Plato
Submitted by Thad Beversdorf via First Rebuttal blog,
22 November, 2014 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Hugh Hendry Live 3: "To Bet Against China Is To Best Against Central Bank Omnipotence"
Hugh Hendry Live 3: "To Bet Against China Is To Best Against Central Bank Omnipotence"
In the final part of Hugh Hendry’s 3-part (part 1 and part 2 here) interview with MoneyWeek’s Merryn Somerset Webb the sanguine Scot, perhaps surprisingly to some given his previous negativity – though fitting with his world view of fiat currency destruction – believes “to bet against Chi
22 November, 2014 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Student Debt By Major: What Not To Study To Avoid A Lifetime Of Debt Slavery
Student Debt By Major: What Not To Study To Avoid A Lifetime Of Debt Slavery
As recently reported by the Project On Student Debt, 7 in 10 seniors who graduated from public and nonprofit colleges in 2013 had student loans, with an average debt load of $28,400 per borrower. This represents a two percent increase from the average debt of 2012 public and nonprofit graduates. It is also a new record high.
Those curious about the geographic breakdown of the student debt burden by state, can do so at the following interactive map:
22 November, 2014 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on Why Tony Robbins Is Asking The Wrong Questions
Why Tony Robbins Is Asking The Wrong Questions
First off let me make this statement plain and simple before one reads any further. This is not a hit piece, nor an effort to take swipes at Tony Robbins or worse, some feeble attempt at click-baiting.
22 November, 2014 by The TZ Newswire Staff Comments Off on This Is How Russia Does The (Dry) Ice Bucket Challenge
This Is How Russia Does The (Dry) Ice Bucket Challenge
As The West shows its fortitude (and apparent philanthropy) with mere 32-degree Fahrenheit ice-bucket-challenges, Russian chemistry professor Yury Zhdanov goes 290-degrees better…
Nikolay Novosyolov, founder of a science popularization project, poured a bucket of liquid nitrogen, which temperature was minus 322 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 197 Celcuis), as part of the #IceBucketChallenge campaign, taking the world’s social media charity craze to a whole new level.